Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Quick Brown Fox. . .

I was looking out my window the other day and was more than a little surprised to see a huge fox sitting near the sidewalk. I've seen both grey and red foxes south of here, closer to the Cherry Creek canal, but never this far north. We don't exactly back up to a wooded area, unless you count the fenced construction lot or the small adjoining park that has, I think, eight trees. I grabbed my camera, and got a few shots before it trotted off. They came out fairly fuzzy, due in large part to the screens in my windows, but I am glad I was able to record the moment.

1 comment:

mythopolis said...

I enjoy your site, and admire your motivation and ambition. I am a retired artist, let's say. And I live in a fairly isolated rural area of Tennessee. And maybe I will make something tomorrow, maybe I won't. I lived in California once. It is a beautiful state. I saw a fox the other day that was so beautiful. Also, Armadillos have now migrated to these parts. My latest work, when I feel like it, is in wood. I take fallen trees in sections to a mill and cut to order. I cure the wood (it takes about a year per inch of thickness.) And then I make a piece of furniture. Right now, because I am getting lazy, I have 3 years of beautiful wood racked waiting for me to worship it. But it's not like earlier years when I was cranking and showing. Now I like to watch what others do more than doing something myself. Good luck to you in your enterprises.